Who better than the insured to tell us about their experience?

In order to continue to make customer satisfaction a priority for our Group, we have put in place various measures to make our customer paths even more efficient and thus do everything possible to offer them the best possible experience.

In order to give an ever greater place to the voice of the customer within our company, which allows us to understand, prioritize and act, but also to co-construct with them at every moment, our teams regularly interview our policyholders through podcasts in which they have the opportunity to share their feedback when making appointments and in loss adjusters meetings.

Our priority is to better identify and eliminate customer irritants, an essential condition for a smooth, simple and effortless experience As customer loyalty is based primarily on the satisfaction of our clients, our objectives are of course to be reachable even more quickly and easily, while being able to provide policyholders with an immediate response and visibility on their files.

We also work in partnership with the company Qualimétrie which accompanies us in the implementation and the realization of satisfaction surveys on a larger scale, in particular concerning our new insured space, in order to quickly identify the reasons of dissatisfaction and to release their word even more.